Other organisations

Reform Priorities

VicWater met with the Productivity Commission (PC) 25 March 2020 to discuss reform priorities as part of a revised National Water Initiative (NWI). The PC has taken on responsibility, from the now defunct National Water Commission, to progress the NWI. The PC’s priority for the revised NWI is to promote greater policy clarity in areas…

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Vision Super’s response to COVID-19

Even during this time of uncertainty, one thing remains the same: Vision Super is committed to providing support to our members and employers. Although we’ve had to make changes to how we service our members (the Vision Super office is closed and we can’t provide face-to-face support, like seminars) we continue to help our members…

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Onsite waste water systems and sewer connection powers

In February 2020 VicWater circulated a proposed water industry position on policy options to augment powers to connect properties to sewer services were circulated to water corporations. The DELWP ‘Onsite Domestic Wastewater Management Steering Committee’ developed these policy options in response to a VAGO Performance Audit in 2018.

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Recreational access to potable water storages

VicWater met with DELWP and the GHD project team 27 March for a progress meeting of the project to develop a state-wide inventory of water storages, and identify cost and timing implications of providing recreational access at currently closed storages, on a transparent per-storage basis.

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EPA license review and transition

VicWater has commenced discussions with the EPA regarding the review of all licence conditions as part of transition to the new Environment Protection Act. New licence conditions will include updated standard conditions for Risk Management and Monitoring Programs, changed licence limits to align with the General Environmental Duty (licences will have a maximum allowable limit…

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2021 Water Industry Asset Revaluation

VicWater is coordinating an expert consultancy to update the 2015 asset valuation methodology and guidance in preparation for the 2021 valuation. The cost of this paid project will be shared among rural and regional urban water corporations. The consultancy will be overseen by the Asset Valuation Working group which was formed by Finance Issues Steering…

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Review of the recycled water guidelines – red tape reduction

VicWater hosted an online briefing on the revised recycled water guidelines on 30 March. The briefing pre-empts the public consultation phase of the review, which will occur in the coming months. VicWater will coordinate a water industry submission during the public consultation period. VicWater and Yarra Valley Water played a significant role in the instigation…

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Where to access support during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Victorian water industry supports its customers with dedicated support staff and programs to assist people experiencing financial difficulty with their water bill. Everyone who needs help receives it from us. Our processes are simple to work with. A range of supports are now in place for customers. The key message here is ‘If you…

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Good News

Hygiene has and always will be at the core of WaterAid’s work. WaterAid is not a medical agency to deal with case detection, surveillance, management or treatment, but plays a key part in the preventive aspects. As a global leader in hygiene promotion and behaviour change, WaterAid is proactively scaling-up its work through government led…

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Integrated Urban Management Report

The research paper into Integrated Urban Water Management — Why a good idea seems hard to implement has been released by the Productivity Commission. The Commission wishes to thank all those who participated in the study. The report is available for free download and printed copies of the report can be purchased from the Productivity…

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VicWater COVID-19 safety measures

VicWater is taking action to protect the wellbeing of our staff and members
We have now moved to a virtual office environment