
VicWater plays an important role in the Victorian water industry contributing to and influencing the development and implementation of Government policies relating to water and wastewater services within Victoria.

VicWater seeks to represent and support the water Industry’s collective interests and does so by undertaking the following:

  • Coordinating industry responses in relation to government and regulator policies
  • Providing forums for industry discussions on priority issues
  • Producing industry guides that contribute to the improved performance of the industry
  • Identifying industry best practice to provide consistent and effective approaches to issues affecting the water industry.

Industry Guides, publications & submissions released by VicWater can be found below. If you would like further information on the guides and submissions being prepared by VicWater please contact or (03) 9639 8868.

View the 2018-19 VicWater Annual Report

2018-19 marked an important period of change for VicWater. It involved the finalisation of our Strategic Plan 2018-2023 and the setting of a new path for our organisation.

Associate Member Publications

Reflections: Water for the Environment in Victoria 2018-19 highlights case studies of animals, plants and communities that have benefited from water for the environment in 2018-19, including:

  • vulnerable or threatened species that have survived and thrived due to environmental flows
  • environmental flows that supported native fish species, such as Murray cod, Australian grayling, golden perch and river blackfish,
  • partnerships with Traditional Owners to plan, deliver and monitor the outcomes of environmental watering
  • stories of local communities who have contributed to these outcomes, by partnering with management agencies, collecting scientific data and providing local knowledge to inform planning decisions.

VicWater COVID-19 safety measures

VicWater is taking action to protect the wellbeing of our staff and members
We have now moved to a virtual office environment