Emergency Resource Providers Support Scheme (EmRePSS) insurance

VicWater, on behalf of its 19 water corporation members, obtains insurance coverage under the Emergency Resource Providers Support Scheme (EmRePSS).  EmRePSS is ‘an insurance program that covers an organisation (or an individual) who provides their equipment, labour or professional services to tasking agencies during eligible emergencies’. It is cited in Appendix 11 of Emergency Management Manual Victoria.

According to the Manual, EmRePSS was created for the below reasons.

“Following government privatisation programs and outsourcing, the ownership of many specialised resources required to support emergency response and recovery operations has transferred from the public sector to the private sector.

Under EmRePSS, the participating government agencies (tasking agencies) can provide assurances (regarding adequate insurance) to the private sector owners of resources that are needed for emergency operations. EmRePSS facilitates the utilisation of privately owned resources for emergency operations and it is designed to ensure that insurance considerations will not be a disincentive to the private sector to provide assistance for emergencies.

Legislated immunities for volunteer emergency workers do not apply because resource providers and their employees are not considered to be volunteers, as they are generally paid for their services (refer to Part 8, Appendix 7).”

The policy is found here: https://www.vmia.vic.gov.au/insurance/policies-and-cover/emrepss

The Victorian Water Industry Association (VicWater) is recognised as a ‘tasking agency’ on behalf of all water authorities.

We would like to ensure our members are aware of this insurance.
Please contact Peter Morison for more information.


VicWater COVID-19 safety measures

VicWater is taking action to protect the wellbeing of our staff and members
We have now moved to a virtual office environment